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Lo Ke Meldavan Nuestros Padres / From Our Fathers’ Newspapers
Lo Ke Meldavan Nuestros Padres / From Our Fathers’ NewspapersLo Ke Meldavan Nuestros Padres / From Our Fathers’ NewspapersLo Ke Meldavan Nuestros Padres / From Our Fathers’ NewspapersLo Ke Meldavan Nuestros Padres / From Our Fathers’ NewspapersLo Ke Meldavan Nuestros Padres / From Our Fathers’ NewspapersLo Ke Meldavan Nuestros Padres / From Our Fathers’ NewspapersLo Ke Meldavan Nuestros Padres / From Our Fathers’ NewspapersLo Ke Meldavan Nuestros Padres / From Our Fathers’ NewspapersLo Ke Meldavan Nuestros Padres / From Our Fathers’ Newspapers
Lo Ke Meldavan Nuestros Padres / From Our Fathers’ Newspapers
Yayınevi :
Ürün Fiyatı :
450,00 TL Kdv Dahil
%20 İndirimli! :
360,00   (Kdv Dahil)
Es muy interesante meldar artikolos de gazetas viejas kon las ideas de oy, spesialmente si estas gazetas son de 100–120 anyos antes… ‘Lo Ke Meldavan Nuestros Padres’ mos ayuda a respirar un poko el atmosfera del periodo kuando la komunidad Djudia aziya parte de la mozaika kultural del Empiro Otomano.

It is really interesting to read articles from old newspapers with today’s conceptions and values; especially if these newspapers are 100–120 years old… ‘Lo Ke Meldavan Nuestros Padres – From Our Fathers’ Newspapers’ helps us inhale some of the atmosphere of the period when the Jewish community formed part of the cultural mozaik of the Ottoman Empire.

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