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Çankaya Köşkü´nün Hisse Senetleri
Çankaya Köşkü´nün Hisse Senetleri
Çankaya Köşkü´nün Hisse Senetleri
Yazar :
Yayınevi :
Ürün Fiyatı :
200,00 TL Kdv Dahil
%20 İndirimli! :
160,00   (Kdv Dahil)
Atatürk niçin Çankaya’da ölmek istedi?
Celal Bayar’ın Çankaya’daki kasasından neler çıktı?
Çankaya’nın bahçesinde kimler sabahları atla dolaştı?
Demirel niçin cumhurbaşkanı olunca hemen Köşk’e taşınmadı?
Öğlen uykularını aksatmayan cumhurbaşkanı kimdi?
Meclis kararıyla görevine son verilen cumhurbaşkanı kim?
Hangi cumhurbaşkanı seçilmeden, eşi Köşk’e taşınmak istemedi?...

In Nedim Levi's book “Çankaya k.'s Stocks,” the 80 year-longed history of The Turkish Republic Presidency's Çankaya Köşkü is being examined. While some facts like how the kösk was built, how its place has been chosen and who has done the decoration are specified, issues such as why the place which Ataturk used for housing purposes is a Presidential palace, the reason why Ataturk wanted to die there are put into discussion as well. With this book, a 76 year-longed time period is told including the Presidency of Suleyman Demirel. Important current issues of Turkey, interesting occurences that the presidents encountered while living in the köşk and some encyclopedic informations about those people's lives are narrated with a little bit of present-day and magazine collections left under the shelf. The author, opens the doors of Ataturk's home, Cankaya Kosku to the readers with all of its mysteries.

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Para pedidos desde fuera de Turquía; póngase en contacto con kitabevi@salom.com.tr con la información de los productos que desean comprar, su dirección de entrega y datos de contacto o, llame al +90 212 231 9282.

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